Why I’m at NetApp

Making the move from BlackBerry/QNX was not an easy decision to make, so many great people and a ton of great work being done on the IoT products.  However, NetApp’s appeal to me is their concept of the Data Fabric.

It dawned on me while while working on an IoT cloud that Enterprise customers will be accumulating massive new datasets that reside on premise behind the firewall, in the public cloud or private clouds.  Giving customers the ability to easily manage their data across all three of these data locations is of high value, indeed it’s also high risk but high rewards if done well. Delivering on this customer scenario is absolutely what we’re working on here at NetApp.

Our first products for the cloud now reside in the Amazon AWS Marketplace, current customers will see product names that they know and use today.  However, this is just the first step towards delivering on NetApp’s Data Fabric vision, and while our customers can now use the same OnCommand data management tools to now manage their Data Fabric across all three data locations there’s much more to come.

I’ll be writing more about what we’re up to here, as well as what I see from my new seat out in the Ecosystem.

Mo’data and mo’data

Happy New Year and may it be a happy and prosperous one for all!

As I looked at customer IOT scenarios for QNX, it became clear to me that managing the coming (or already upon us) crush of data coming from IOT devices would be a challenge for our Enterprise customers.  While I view this as a great sign of coming success for my old friends @ QNX, I knew that management of this data would become increasingly complex with customer’s data in combinations of public clouds, private clouds and hybrids.

This all said, I’m moving on to NetApp who’s customer footprint in these Enterprise customer accounts is already sizable and I’ll have more to say about our plans to take control of your own data to keep pace with your business needs.